There are some mathematical formulas that can be used to help you determine how much of a mortgage you can qualify for and actually afford. Click here.

Why You Really Do Need An Agent When Selling Your Home

8 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

These days, almost everyone has hopped aboard the D.I.Y. bandwagon, including people selling their homes. There have always been those who do so, but this is one trend that is not for everyone. Selling a home is not like selling an extra Christmas gift on eBay or parking your vehicle at the local park-and-sell lot. Homes are not just expensive, but the sales process can be complex and fraught with problems. Read More …

About Me
how much of a mortgage can you afford?

I have saved up for a down payment on a house for the last ten years. Each week, I would take 10% of my paycheck and put it in a special savings account that I could not access. Once I finally had enough money put away, I began looking for houses in the area that I could afford. But, what could I really afford? How much of a mortgage could I qualify for? There are some mathematical formulas that can be used to help you determine how much of a mortgage you can qualify for and actually afford. My blog will teach you how to make this determination.
